A No Fooling April Fool's Day Promotion!


It may be April Fool's Day but we're Not Foolin'

Save $50 on your Collection and be Entered to win a Complete Collection!

We love our clients and this April Fools Day we want you to know how much! Book a session with us between today and April 15th* and you'll get $50 off of your collection! Plus, everyone that books a session with us during that time will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a complete collection** on us!

*Session does not have to take place during the promotional window, the session just needs to be scheduled before August 31st, 2016 and $150 deposit collected before April 15th, 2016. **Complete collection is a $250 value. The deposit of $150 will still be collected and clients can upgrade to another collection by paying the difference in price.

